
When you’re taking care of a loved one, sometimes you can feel like you’re all alone. Rest assured though, there’s a big community of carers out there. People who have gone, or who are going through, what you’re experiencing.
You can learn from these caregivers, seeing things from their points of view. It’s true that each caregiving situation is different. Yet, when you get to know a hundred different stories, as we have, some patterns show up. We at TENA want to support you in becoming a better, more confident and happier caregiver. With years of experience within incontinence and skin care we want to provide you advice that cover all aspects of caregiving.

Saveti drugih negovatelja

Saveti negovatelja iz različitih delova sveta.

Starija žena šeta sa svojom porodicom – korisni saveti negovatelja poput vas

Vreme za vas

Pošto negovateljstvo može puno da zahteva od vas.

Starija i mlađa žena uživaju u čaju – pronalaženje vremena za sebe u toku negovanja bliske osobe