There are several things you can do to ease the seemingly endless need to pee throughout pregnancy:
Empty your bladder fully
When you go to pee, lean forward on the toilet seat and make sure you have good support under your feet. This is the most effective position for the body when it comes to emptying the bladder fully. Take time to empty your bladder properly, as leaving even a small amount of urine in the bladder increases your chances of developing a UTI.
Avoid caffeine
Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and black tea, can irritate your bladder, which increases your need to urinate.
Don’t drink too much before bed…
If you find you wake up often to urinate during the night, try limiting fluids at least two hours before bedtime.
…but still make sure you get enough fluids
Don’t drink less overall to avoid yet another trip to the bathroom. Drinking less water can lead to dehydration which, in turn, causes your urine to become more concentrated. This can irritate the bladder creating the urge to go to the toilet even when the bladder isn’t full. Staying hydrated is also key to preventing UTIs.
Stop your feet and ankles swelling during the day
Avoid standing for long periods of time as much as possible. Try wearing compression socks, keeping your feet elevated when you can, and taking regular walks or doing foot exercises.
Elevate your legs before going to bed
Try to find time to elevate your legs before bedtime. This can help you stimulate the fluid that has accumulated in your swollen ankles and feet to move it into the bloodstream, allowing you to urinate before turning in for the night.