Saveti za područje dna karlice pre i posle porođaja

Trudnice i porodilje često doživljavaju mala curenja bešike. Jačanje mišića dna karlice može vam pomoći da to sprečite ili poboljšate. Master fizioterapije i stručnjak za „intimnu zonu” Paula Igualada-Martinez prenela je svoje znanje trudnicama i porodiljama.

Šta da očekujete za vreme trudnoće

Iznenadni nagon za mokrenjem prati u stopu vaš status porodilje. To se dešava iz brojnih razloga; organi se u vašem telu pomeraju kako bi se pripremili za dolazak vaše bebe, a oslobađa se i hormon za opuštanje mišića, progesteron, kako biste se pripremili za porođaj. To znači da je često teže kontrolisati organe dna karlice, što za rezultat ima mala curenja i iznenadni nagon za mokrenjem. su jednostavan, efikasan i odličan način za jačanje mišića. 

Saveti stručnjaka za dno karlice tokom trudnoće

Najbolji način da se opustite i maksimalno iskoristite vežbe mišića dna karlice tokom trudnoće je ležanje na boku. Tako ćete zaista moći da se koncentrišete na jačanje mišića, a da uz to izbegnete poteškoće koje bi se javile usled sile teže kada sedite ili stojite. Ovde možete pročitati detaljnije o vežbama za dno karlice.   

Šta se dešava nakon porođaja?

Tokom prve 1–2 nedelje nakon porođaja primetićete da mnogo češće mokrite jer ćete se tako oslobađati viška tečnosti koju ste zadržali tokom trudnoće. Iako tokom trudnoće možete izuzetno vredno raditi , ipak se neće svaki deo tela odmah vratiti u prethodno stanje. Pokušajte da radite vežbe dok sedite i hranite bebu. Počnite sa blagim stezanjima dna karlice, jer je normalno da nakon porođaja u tom predelu osećate bol. Prestanite ako vam je nelagodno. Možete započeti i jednostavnim vežbanjem stezanja prilikom uzimanja bebe u ruke.  
Osnovno je da neprestano vežbate – može proći i do 3 meseca dok uočite malo poboljšanje. Ako smatrate da vežbe ne daju rezultata nakon 3 meseca ili imate bilo kakvih pitanja, porazgovarajte sa svojim lekarom i/ili fizioterapeutom. Preuzmite našu besplatnu aplikaciju My Pelvic Floor Fitness da biste započeli vežbe stezanja.

Malo curenja tokom trudnoće i nakon porođaja. Pročitajte ovde

Hajde da pričamo o tome

Mala curenja ili trenuci iznenadnog curenja mogu se dogoditi bez upozorenja, pa to može biti frustrirajuće i nelagodno. Ali, budite uvereni da je to vrlo česta pojava i da možete mnogo toga učiniti da biste povratili kontrolu nad bešikom. Trening je dobar početak, ali od pomoći može biti i razgovor sa babicom ili lekarom opšte prakse na pretporođajnom pregledu, kao i razgovor s prijateljima. 
Dobro je znati da su ulošci TENA Lady uvek tu da vam pruže diskretnu zaštitu i svežinu kad vam zatreba malo dodatne podrške.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor after childbirth

During the first one or two weeks after birth, you’ll find that you pee much more frequently as your body gets rid of the excess fluid you retained during your pregnancy. While you can be super diligent with pelvic floor exercises while pregnant, you might find it trickier after birth. 
That’s because labour puts a lot of pressure on your pelvic floor. It has been stretched and there’s a lot of bruising and swelling, so it can take a while for you to identify the muscles again and build up strength. 
Performing the exercises correctly 
If you’ve recently given birth, it’s best to do the exercises lying down to avoid putting any extra pressure on the pelvic area. You can also do them while you’re sitting down and feeding your baby. 
Start with gentle pelvic floor contractions. It’s normal to feel a bit sore down below following the birth of your baby, so stop if you experience any discomfort. It’s best to start small and build things up slowly over time.   
It takes time to build up strength again 
It can take a few weeks to see some improvement, or it may take a few months – everyone is different. If you feel like the exercises aren’t working after a few months, or if you have any questions, have a chat with your doctor and/or a physiotherapist.  
The weight of carrying around a baby for nine months and labour can cause bladder weakness for a while after childbirth, which is very common. Urine leaks can last a few weeks, or over time, you might find that you experience the odd accident now and again.  
Finding the right protection 
It’s worth investing in pads or liners that have the right absorbency levels to meet your requirements. If you’re experiencing heavy post-partum leaks, TENA Discreet Protect+ pads have high-absorbency levels that lock in odour and moisture and allow you to stay dry for up to 12 hours.  
For lighter leaks, TENA Discreet Ultra Mini Incontinence Liner provides triple the protection from leaks, odour and moisture thanks to its unique microPROTEX™ technology. They’re super absorbent and no larger than a menstrual pad. 
You may also want to opt for liners that are kind to your skin if you’re feeling sensitive down there. TENA Lights Sensitive Normal Incontinence Liners are fast-absorbing, very discreet and have 0% fragrances and dyes for gentle protection


Pelvic floor exercises can be a great way to manage and reduce leaks during and after pregnancy. It’s important to note that not all bladder and incontinence problems can be improved with pelvic floor exercises alone, so if you’re unsure about your symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional for tailored advice.  
TENA is here to help you navigate your pregnancy and post-partum journey, with practical advice for pregnancy and post-partum incontinence. If you feel that you need more support, don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare professional, like your nearest GP. We have a huge range of products designed to support you – check out the full range here and don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find the right product for you.